Module plastron.screen
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import os
from art import *
import shutil
#: Created by Kavun kavunnuggihalli
#: Email:
#: Website:
class Screen:
def __init__(self, plastron):
The screen class is used to create objects that are then render to the screen this class will be able to create lines tables and more complex items in the future for now it is utilized by the main plastron class in order to generate all the required screen based outputs initialization of the screen class create multiple colors and text options such as bold and underline
#: An instance of screen needs a reference to the original plastron instance therefore it expects that the plastron instance passes self
self.plastron = plastron
#: All screens have titles the default title is set to screen
self.title = "screen"
#: Purple
self.PURPLE = '\033[95m'
self.CYAN = '\033[96m'
#: Dark Cyan
self.DARKCYAN = '\033[36m'
#: Blue
self.BLUE = '\033[94m'
#: Green
self.GREEN = '\033[92m'
#: Yellow
self.YELLOW = '\033[93m'
#: Red
self.RED = '\033[91m'
#: Bold
self.BOLD = '\033[1m'
#: Underline
self.UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
#: End
self.END = '\033[0m'
def clear(self):
This method allows you to clear the screen regardless of the operating system you are using this technology with. This method will also print the logo extend some lines to the dimensions of the current terminal upon refresh then show what running procedure exists.
os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear')
if self.plastron.current_procedure != None:
print(self.add_style("Running procedure: ", self.BOLD)+self.plastron.current_procedure.title)
self.plastron.current_procedure = None
def ascii_logo(self, title):
This method allows you to generate ASCII based character sets with the provided import string
self.logo = text2art(title)
return self.logo
def print_logo(self):
This is a method that allows you to print the Asci-based logo
def print_menu_path(self, menu):
This method allows you to print a menu based on passing the actual object with a menu class
str = ""
if len(menu) == 1:
for item in menu:
str = item.title
for item in menu:
str += item.title +" > "
str = str[:len(str) - 3]
print(self.add_style("Menu Path: ", self.BOLD)+str)
def print_creator(self,creator):
A method to Print the creator of the shell
print(self.add_style("Designed by: ", self.BOLD)+creator)
def print_description(self,description):
A method to print the description of the shell
print(self.add_style("Description: ", self.BOLD)+description)
def title(self, title):
A method to print the title of the shell
tprint(title, font="cybermedum")
def text(self, text):
A simple print method
def header(self):
A method to print the header of the shell
def line(self, type="-"):
A method to print a line the default is a "–" pass any character. This method will print the line based on the dimensions of the shell upon drawing the screen.
self.line_string = ""
self.logo_width = 0
for i in self.logo:
self.logo_width += 1
if '\n' in i:
for i in range(0,self.plastron.columns):
self.line_string += type
self.print_style(self.line_string, self.BOLD)
def print_style(self,text,style):
This method allows you to print in a specific style
print(style + text + self.END)
def add_style(self,text,style):
This method adds a style to text
return style + text + self.END
# Create a line dark top
def dark_line_top(self):
A method to print a line faced upwards
# Create a line dark bottom
def dark_line_bottom(self):
A method to print a lion face downwards
# Create a line dark bottom
def thin_line(self):
A method to print a thin line
# Create a line dark bottom
def wiggle_line(self):
A method to print a wiggly or squiggly line
# Create a thick light line
def bubble_line(self):
A method to print bubbled lines
def create_table(self, cols):
A starter method in order to create tables
table = ""
for col in cols:
table += col +" | "
return table
def add_item_to_table(self, table, item):
A starter method in order to add items to tables
class Screen (plastron)
The screen class is used to create objects that are then render to the screen this class will be able to create lines tables and more complex items in the future for now it is utilized by the main plastron class in order to generate all the required screen based outputs initialization of the screen class create multiple colors and text options such as bold and underline
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class Screen: def __init__(self, plastron): """ The screen class is used to create objects that are then render to the screen this class will be able to create lines tables and more complex items in the future for now it is utilized by the main plastron class in order to generate all the required screen based outputs initialization of the screen class create multiple colors and text options such as bold and underline """ #: An instance of screen needs a reference to the original plastron instance therefore it expects that the plastron instance passes self self.plastron = plastron #: All screens have titles the default title is set to screen self.title = "screen" #: Purple self.PURPLE = '\033[95m' #: CYAN self.CYAN = '\033[96m' #: Dark Cyan self.DARKCYAN = '\033[36m' #: Blue self.BLUE = '\033[94m' #: Green self.GREEN = '\033[92m' #: Yellow self.YELLOW = '\033[93m' #: Red self.RED = '\033[91m' #: Bold self.BOLD = '\033[1m' #: Underline self.UNDERLINE = '\033[4m' #: End self.END = '\033[0m' def clear(self): """ This method allows you to clear the screen regardless of the operating system you are using this technology with. This method will also print the logo extend some lines to the dimensions of the current terminal upon refresh then show what running procedure exists. """ os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear') self.print_logo() self.line("=") self.print_creator(self.plastron.creator) self.print_description(self.plastron.description) self.line("=") self.print_menu_path(self.plastron.current_menu_path) self.line("=") if self.plastron.current_procedure != None: print(self.add_style("Running procedure: ", self.BOLD)+self.plastron.current_procedure.title) self.line("=") self.plastron.current_procedure = None def ascii_logo(self, title): """ This method allows you to generate ASCII based character sets with the provided import string """ self.logo = text2art(title) return self.logo def print_logo(self): """ This is a method that allows you to print the Asci-based logo """ print(self.logo) def print_menu_path(self, menu): """ This method allows you to print a menu based on passing the actual object with a menu class """ str = "" if len(menu) == 1: for item in menu: str = item.title else: for item in menu: str += item.title +" > " str = str[:len(str) - 3] print(self.add_style("Menu Path: ", self.BOLD)+str) def print_creator(self,creator): """ A method to Print the creator of the shell """ print(self.add_style("Designed by: ", self.BOLD)+creator) def print_description(self,description): """ A method to print the description of the shell """ print(self.add_style("Description: ", self.BOLD)+description) def title(self, title): """ A method to print the title of the shell """ tprint(title, font="cybermedum") def text(self, text): """ A simple print method """ print(text) def header(self): """ A method to print the header of the shell """ print(self.logo) def line(self, type="-"): """ A method to print a line the default is a "–" pass any character. This method will print the line based on the dimensions of the shell upon drawing the screen. """ self.line_string = "" self.logo_width = 0 for i in self.logo: self.logo_width += 1 if '\n' in i: break for i in range(0,self.plastron.columns): self.line_string += type self.print_style(self.line_string, self.BOLD) def print_style(self,text,style): """ This method allows you to print in a specific style """ print(style + text + self.END) def add_style(self,text,style): """ This method adds a style to text """ return style + text + self.END # Create a line dark top def dark_line_top(self): """ A method to print a line faced upwards """ self.line("¯") # Create a line dark bottom def dark_line_bottom(self): """ A method to print a lion face downwards """ self.line("_") # Create a line dark bottom def thin_line(self): """ A method to print a thin line """ self.line("-") # Create a line dark bottom def wiggle_line(self): """ A method to print a wiggly or squiggly line """ self.line("~") # Create a thick light line def bubble_line(self): """ A method to print bubbled lines """ self.line("°") def create_table(self, cols): """ A starter method in order to create tables """ table = "" for col in cols: table += col +" | " return table def add_item_to_table(self, table, item): """ A starter method in order to add items to tables """ pass
Instance variables
var BLUE
var BOLD
var CYAN
Dark Cyan
var END
var RED
var title
All screens have titles the default title is set to screen
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def title(self, title): """ A method to print the title of the shell """ tprint(title, font="cybermedum")
var plastron
An instance of screen needs a reference to the original plastron instance therefore it expects that the plastron instance passes self
def add_item_to_table(self, table, item)
A starter method in order to add items to tables
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def add_item_to_table(self, table, item): """ A starter method in order to add items to tables """ pass
def add_style(self, text, style)
This method adds a style to text
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def add_style(self,text,style): """ This method adds a style to text """ return style + text + self.END
def ascii_logo(self, title)
This method allows you to generate ASCII based character sets with the provided import string
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def ascii_logo(self, title): """ This method allows you to generate ASCII based character sets with the provided import string """ self.logo = text2art(title) return self.logo
def bubble_line(self)
A method to print bubbled lines
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def bubble_line(self): """ A method to print bubbled lines """ self.line("°")
def clear(self)
This method allows you to clear the screen regardless of the operating system you are using this technology with. This method will also print the logo extend some lines to the dimensions of the current terminal upon refresh then show what running procedure exists.
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def clear(self): """ This method allows you to clear the screen regardless of the operating system you are using this technology with. This method will also print the logo extend some lines to the dimensions of the current terminal upon refresh then show what running procedure exists. """ os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear') self.print_logo() self.line("=") self.print_creator(self.plastron.creator) self.print_description(self.plastron.description) self.line("=") self.print_menu_path(self.plastron.current_menu_path) self.line("=") if self.plastron.current_procedure != None: print(self.add_style("Running procedure: ", self.BOLD)+self.plastron.current_procedure.title) self.line("=") self.plastron.current_procedure = None
def create_table(self, cols)
A starter method in order to create tables
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def create_table(self, cols): """ A starter method in order to create tables """ table = "" for col in cols: table += col +" | " return table
def dark_line_bottom(self)
A method to print a lion face downwards
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def dark_line_bottom(self): """ A method to print a lion face downwards """ self.line("_")
def dark_line_top(self)
A method to print a line faced upwards
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def dark_line_top(self): """ A method to print a line faced upwards """ self.line("¯")
def header(self)
A method to print the header of the shell
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def header(self): """ A method to print the header of the shell """ print(self.logo)
def line(self, type='-')
A method to print a line the default is a "–" pass any character. This method will print the line based on the dimensions of the shell upon drawing the screen.
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def line(self, type="-"): """ A method to print a line the default is a "–" pass any character. This method will print the line based on the dimensions of the shell upon drawing the screen. """ self.line_string = "" self.logo_width = 0 for i in self.logo: self.logo_width += 1 if '\n' in i: break for i in range(0,self.plastron.columns): self.line_string += type self.print_style(self.line_string, self.BOLD)
def print_creator(self, creator)
A method to Print the creator of the shell
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def print_creator(self,creator): """ A method to Print the creator of the shell """ print(self.add_style("Designed by: ", self.BOLD)+creator)
def print_description(self, description)
A method to print the description of the shell
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def print_description(self,description): """ A method to print the description of the shell """ print(self.add_style("Description: ", self.BOLD)+description)
def print_logo(self)
This is a method that allows you to print the Asci-based logo
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def print_logo(self): """ This is a method that allows you to print the Asci-based logo """ print(self.logo)
This method allows you to print a menu based on passing the actual object with a menu class
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def print_menu_path(self, menu): """ This method allows you to print a menu based on passing the actual object with a menu class """ str = "" if len(menu) == 1: for item in menu: str = item.title else: for item in menu: str += item.title +" > " str = str[:len(str) - 3] print(self.add_style("Menu Path: ", self.BOLD)+str)
def print_style(self, text, style)
This method allows you to print in a specific style
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def print_style(self,text,style): """ This method allows you to print in a specific style """ print(style + text + self.END)
def text(self, text)
A simple print method
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def text(self, text): """ A simple print method """ print(text)
def thin_line(self)
A method to print a thin line
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def thin_line(self): """ A method to print a thin line """ self.line("-")
def wiggle_line(self)
A method to print a wiggly or squiggly line
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def wiggle_line(self): """ A method to print a wiggly or squiggly line """ self.line("~")